
Become the next inventor, innovator or business leader in sustainable technologies and design. Join 正规的赌博app in pioneering a more sustainable world for generations to come.

有回报的职业. 美好明天.

你热衷于保护自然资源. 对采用清洁能源感到兴奋. 对电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车的新功能着迷. 致力于改变我们与地球的互动方式——变得更好. 

如果这和你有共鸣, 探索工程中的可持续性研究, business or marketing can position you for a fulfilling career that contributes to a better world for our generation and the next.









无论是节约用水, 防止污染,甚至减少塑料, 我们经常将“可持续发展”与一个重点领域联系在一起. 真正的可持续发展包括, 共同努力保护, 重用甚至创建新资源, 包括水, 空气与能源. 可持续性 studies focus on how we can utilize resources and develop as businesses, organizations and even nations without depleting those resources for future generations.


Effective sustainability prioritizes smart, regenerative use of resources. Sustainable engineering helps us move the world forward — inventing new products, 创建新流程, 提供住房和车辆——以这些目标为中心. 换句话说, sustainability engineers help us grow and innovate while ensuring that we have enough resources for future development.

可持续性 is about energy development that meets our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs because of limited natural resources, 主要是化石燃料.” – Dr. Gianfranco DiGiuseppe, 正规的赌博app Mechanical Engineering faculty member



Beyond creating environmental benefits and the opportunity to live out your passion, careers in sustainability are also among the fastest-growing in the United States, 根据美国2022年的报告.S. 能源和就业报告. Careers in clean energy and electrified vehicles show the fastest growth, with motor vehicle and component parts also standing out within the sector.

This growth is providing numerous opportunities for sustainability engineering students and tech-minded business students. If you’re interested in electric vehicle engineering or sustainable business practices, 浏览我们的可持续发展计划,找到一条适合你的道路.


你是否对工程学感兴趣, 商业或其他可持续性的子部门, 可持续发展研究适用于任何行业. Energy, 食品和饮料, packaging, retail, foodservice and transportation are increasingly pledging to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040. 主要品牌如迪斯尼, 耐克和星巴克都做出了环保承诺, 包括零浪费, 减少碳排放或减少塑料的倡议. 如果你对某一特定行业的工作感兴趣, 你可能会有几个可持续发展的工作可供选择.


各公司正在全面寻找可持续发展方面的职位, 从制造到工程再到营销. 如果你对可持续发展的职业感兴趣, here are some common positions you can achieve with an engineering or business degree focused on sustainability.


可持续性 engineers can have a wide variety of responsibilities but focus on creating solutions for environmental problems. They may work to help a company manage its wastewater, energy, air 和资源. 可持续性 engineers may also devise solutions for businesses to meet regulatory compliance or create and implement environmental initiatives.


环境和可持续发展主管帮助企业满足当地需求, 遵守国家和有时是国际环境法律. 他们可以监督环境项目的资本规划, 创建标准化的能源管理流程, identify sustainable technologies for businesses to adopt or work with marketing teams to develop communications around social responsibility.


Research engineers help innovate new solutions to sustainability challenges. 他们可能会为电动汽车开发新的电池技术, 设计自动化工具和设备, 测量温室气体排放并帮助开发专有产品.




 了解可再生能源等话题, 环境问题, 生命周期评估, 公共政策, 废水处理, green engineering and other sustainability topics across several disciplines. 有了这些类, you can approach every problem and issue from a perspective informed by social, economic, 以及环境方面的观点. Through engineering, science and the humanities, you can help improve the world.



Our faculty specialize in sustainable engineering and technology leadership and provide opportunities for experiential learning in the classroom.


作为我们可持续发展项目的一名本科生, 你会变得真实, 从你在凯特林的第一年开始.



丹尼斯·格雷,86年, Head of LG Energy Solutions North America External Affairs and Government Relations, discusses the future of electrified vehicles and the production of lithium-ion batteries.


Bassem Ramadan, department head and professor of Mechanical Engineering, talked with Insider 关于汽车空转对环境的影响.


Climate Resilient Flint is a collaborative effort between 正规的赌博app, 弗林特环境改造运动, M.A.D.E. Institute, 社区参与中心, 杰纳西自然保护区, 以及NOAA的教育和气候项目办公室. 目标是减少受教育机会的差异, knowledge, 和资源, this project reflects NOAA's education mission to further equitable environmental literacy and climate resilience capacity by employing active learning and knowledge co-production.


Toyota senior engineer and alumnae Jackie Birdsall sat down to talk with 设计的新闻 about the developing fuel cell technology and her experience as a female engineer in a male-dominated industry.


内燃的时钟在滴答作响, and that’s creating external consternation as the auto industry’s supply chain retools for electric vehicles. Automotive News talked alumnus Craig Renneker and two other industry veterans to discuss those challenges and also present opportunities to recharge operations for the electrified era.


企业家布莱恩法尔瑟(10年)详细介绍了他的冒险进入垂直, 高产农业, which yields as much 100 times more crops per acre than traditional farming.


Assistant Professor Levi Tennen's article shows how aesthetic evaluations of national monuments may hold legal weight. Such considerations can also influence decisions about whether to protect an area as a monument.


Jamie Zinser(1999年, ME), 诺贝丽斯全球汽车销售和营销副总裁, 讨论铝的可持续性和无限可回收性.


E15 is shorthand for gasoline (Unleaded 88) blended with 15 percent ethanol. 这种类型的E15天然气通常更便宜, but it’s limited during the summer travel season because of its environmental effect. 但E15在2022年得到了更多关注,当时 gas prices 因为乌克兰与俄罗斯的战争而崛起. The article in Popular Mechanics relies on information from research performed at 正规的赌博app.

研究可持续发展. 规划你的职业生涯.

Learn more about sustainability programs at Kettering or apply today to start working toward a smarter tomorrow.

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